Thursday, July 28, 2011

Karin Slaughter's Undone - A Skillful Molding Together of Two Mystery Series

There is a dark tone to the Slaughter writing that is reminiscent of Patricia Cornwell. Their characters will surprise you, and is often far more people than you might think. When he began his series, I did not care for the main characters, Sara Linton and her ex-husband Jeffrey Tolliver. It does not look as interesting as a secondary character, deputy Jeffrey Lena Adams.

Lena lost her twin sister to a murderer and loses most of its anchor in life as a result. His character is self-abusive, but let someone else do the abuse. You are pulling it and hope that he will get his life together. Luckily, Jeffrey, who grew up with alcoholic parents, she believes in and tries to help. As the series progresses more layers of each character is exposed.

Sara is a pediatrician who received his education in Atlanta. He returned to his hometown to open a practice and be near her family. It was also the coroner and that's what I kept in contact with Jeffrey. I think I like her better as a doctor in the city. In Undone (aka Genesis) works in the emergency room, where they have to get involved with their patients. He misses his job as medical examiner and is involved when a patient arrives with injuries not only leads to a car accident.

Will Trent meets Sara when he brings his partner, Faith Mitchell, who has passed. She mistakes as a married couple in this story we can learn much more about faith. She is pregnant and has been diagnosed with diabetes Sara. Notices of faith is the attraction of Sara and not a background check, thus filling in the background for those who have not read the previous books.

Trent appeared first in the triptych. He is an interesting character with a rough bottom. It was found in the trash at five months old and went through the foster care system. He is dyslexic and can not read or write. Angie, also a police officer, raised him from the age of five years and seems to control it. Slaughter shows that men can be abused despite his physical advantages.

Books are not for slaughter friendly mind. Studies are dark, intriguing, complex, three-dimensional characters. We understand through their past experiences and are allowed to make our own conclusions about their faults and weaknesses, without analyzing clinical psychologist. I could not stop and was broken down more than 500 pages in paperback. I recommend the books of Slaughter and his writing style, although it reveals aspects of human nature that are difficult to recognize.

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